The Resource Doula

15. Mentally Prepare for Birth! Carolyn & Lauren from the Mental Push Plan are back with a virtual workshop

August 01, 2022 Natalie Headdings Season 1 Episode 15
15. Mentally Prepare for Birth! Carolyn & Lauren from the Mental Push Plan are back with a virtual workshop
The Resource Doula
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The Resource Doula
15. Mentally Prepare for Birth! Carolyn & Lauren from the Mental Push Plan are back with a virtual workshop
Aug 01, 2022 Season 1 Episode 15
Natalie Headdings

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Show Notes

On today’s shorty episode, I’m bringing back the Mental Push Plan creators to talk about their new addition - a virtual workshop! Carolyn, a yoga instructor and doula, and Lauren - a PHD in sports psychology; together they developed programs that help you harness your own mental strength for all that motherhood might throw at you. If you didn’t catch their previous episode, make sure you go back and listen here:

We are also teaming up to produce The Push Corner - a new segment on the podcast!

Push Corner Notes: Conscious Breath - Activating the parasympathetic nervous system for birth. Check out more at or

I have had the privilege of going through both the mental push plan workbook as well as the mental grief plan, and I can say that they are what has been missing from all the childbirth education I’ve attended and taught. I’m happy to be an affiliate for Carolyn and Lauren and you can get 10% off anything on their site with the code NATALIEH10.

Resources Mentioned

Please remember that that what you hear on this podcast is not medical advice. but remember to always do your own research and talk to your provider before making important decisions about your healthcare. If you found this podcast helpful, please consider leaving a 5-star review on your favorite listening platform, it helps other people find the show. Thanks so much for listening. I’ll catch you next time!

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Show Notes Transcript

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Show Notes

On today’s shorty episode, I’m bringing back the Mental Push Plan creators to talk about their new addition - a virtual workshop! Carolyn, a yoga instructor and doula, and Lauren - a PHD in sports psychology; together they developed programs that help you harness your own mental strength for all that motherhood might throw at you. If you didn’t catch their previous episode, make sure you go back and listen here:

We are also teaming up to produce The Push Corner - a new segment on the podcast!

Push Corner Notes: Conscious Breath - Activating the parasympathetic nervous system for birth. Check out more at or

I have had the privilege of going through both the mental push plan workbook as well as the mental grief plan, and I can say that they are what has been missing from all the childbirth education I’ve attended and taught. I’m happy to be an affiliate for Carolyn and Lauren and you can get 10% off anything on their site with the code NATALIEH10.

Resources Mentioned

Please remember that that what you hear on this podcast is not medical advice. but remember to always do your own research and talk to your provider before making important decisions about your healthcare. If you found this podcast helpful, please consider leaving a 5-star review on your favorite listening platform, it helps other people find the show. Thanks so much for listening. I’ll catch you next time!

Come say hey on social media:

Instagram: @trainernatalieh

Facebook: @trainernatalieh

Twitter: @trainernatalieh

Sign up for my newsletter here:

Sign up for my weekly newsletter and gain access to my most up-to-date resource list here:

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The Resource Doula Podcast Social Channels:

Instagram: @resourcedoulapodcast

TikTok: @resourcedoula

Resource Doula Podcast Youtube: @resourcedoula

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Today's shorty episode, I'm bringing back the mental push plan creators to talk about their new edition, a virtual workshop. Carolyn is a yoga instructor in doula, and Lauren is a PhD in sports, psychology, and together they developed programs that help you harness your own mental strength for all that motherhood might throw at. If you didn't catch their previous episode, make sure you go back and listen. I'll be sure to link it in the show notes as well. We are also teaming up to produce the push corner, a new segment on this podcast. So listen for the first one at the end of our conversation. I'm Natalie and you're listening to the resource doula podcast, a place where we provide information to help you make informed healthcare decisions for yourself and your family. Carolyn and Lauren. Welcome back to the show. I'm so excited that you're here.


Thank you.


Yeah. And if you hear any little baby squeaks in the background, that's Rory he's with us. He's uh, going to work with, with mom today.


I think this is the first baby on my podcast. I'm really excited about that. So for anyone who didn't listen to your original episode, they can obviously go back and listen to it. But can you give us like a, a little synopsis of what you guys do? What is the mental push plan and, um, kind of, what does that, what does that workbook look like?


Uh, the mental push plan is a workbook for you to, uh, mentally prepare for labor and birth. So we are based in mindfulness and mental training tools. And you walk away with a


mental push plan, which we provide to


you in a one page template that is personalized for you and kind of a mental game plan of how you are going to approach your


birth. Yeah. And we like to emphasize as well that. You know yourself the best we can't tell you exactly. You know, what are gonna be the best tools for you. Um, we provide you all the information and walk with you on figuring out your own personalized plan, because we all have our own inner mental strength and our job. And what we do at mental push plan is just to help you tap into it.


This is such a cool resource. And I have already heard people who have worked through. The mental push plan and found success and been really, really excited about things. They've learned tools and strategies mentally, not only that carried them through pregnancy and birth, but just for life and stressors in life. So it's a really amazing resource. And you guys have. Opened up a new thing. You're doing a virtual workshop coming up in August. Can you talk a little bit more about that and how does one get involved in that workshop?


well, we started in person workshops. We're located in Boise. And so we've been offering in person workshops here, uh, for the last few months and they've been going really well, but we want to expand that offering to people outside of our geographic area. So we are turning the workshop, virtual it's. Two hour, uh, virtual meeting with us.




uh, it's, you know, interactive, we do exercises to basically give you an overview of the mental push plan and give you examples of how you can apply these mental tools to your birth. Uh, and it's really meant to supplement the workbook, which you also get, uh, from reg registering for the workshop.


Yeah. And we were just looking for a. Opportunity to further connect with people, um, that purchase the workbook. Um, we like to refer to them as the push circle. Um, and we think that there's so much more to be learned when you do it in community. Um, if you have a question, chances are somebody else has the same question or, you know, people have different perspectives. So when you can sort of share and think and brainstorm together something that you maybe. Would never have thought of gets brought up and you're like, oh yeah, no, that like, I think that would work really well for me. So we, we really want to, um, Offer that community aspect as much as possible. So, um, the workshops are sort of our first, um, stab at doing that. And, uh, additionally, this is a really important time of life becoming a parent or further expanding your family. Um, it takes a lot of work and that phrase, it takes a village is absolutely true. So if we can help connect people that are going through the same transition, um, Then they can lean on each other, then we absolutely wanna do that as much as possible.


I love it. What a very, very cool way to do that. Us way up here in Alaska we appreciate that, uh, virtual aspect of things. Um, since we're so far away from everyone else. Um, so you get the workbook, you get community with other people, you get to be part of the push circle. I love that little term by the way. And, um, anything else that's included in this? You get you guys, right? You get virtual two hour. Time with you. What else is


In addition, uh, expanding on that community aspect, we offer, um, access to a private WhatsApp chat group with other push circle members. Uh, so you can connect not only with us on there, but everyone else who is going through the program. So you can not only ask about the mental push plan, but, you know, What things people are registering for for their baby showers or postpartum questions. Uh, we really want it to be, uh, a forum for. Community of people going through the same thing in their


life. And we've also actually developed more resources out of conversations from the WhatsApp group. Um, in our first couple workshops, we had some people asking about, um, some cards that we recommend. Um, and they're like, oh, like, do you have a template for that? And we. Oh, no, we don't, but we will. And so we developed one and then we shared it through the WhatsApp group. So, um, we all are also learning from the people who come to us and that's really valuable for us because the more that we can improve and create a better product to really help people be mentally, uh, strong during their labor and birth. Um, I think we all, we all win sort of win, win, win. And then we also are getting ready to open, um, one on one coaching. So those who come in and do the workshop, sort of get first stab at that we are always available for people who have questions or concerns or wanna talk through something, um, absolutely by email or phone and then. People who are looking for a more formal, um, one-on-one coaching experience. That's something we are, um, beginning to offer as well. Um, so we can really dive deep on things and, and walk through the whole program with you in addition to your workbook and your two hour workshop. So, um, we're really trying to provide all different levels of support for people, um, to meet them where they are, um, and get them. Help so that they can be as confident and empowered going into their birth as




That is incredible. And I think having multiple options for how people learn and connect with each other and connect with you guys is really important because we are all so different in how we absorb information. And. Use that information to apply it to our own experiences. So I, I appreciate that you're using so many avenues to get this information out there and empower so many people.


Thanks. Yeah, we are very excited about it.


So if someone is in their first trimester, second trimester, when should someone take part in this workshop? When should they start the mental push plan? Is there a limit on when they can start?


Definitely not a limit. I think it goes the same for childbirth education classes is you wanna do it later in your pregnancy so that the material isn't, uh, isn't so far back in your memory, but, um, with enough time to be able to practice and retain the information. So we recommend. You know, starting somewhere later in. Second trimester, but that's not to say you won't benefit from the program, starting it earlier on. And I mean, we could also argue starting it earlier on is good for being able to


practice mm-hmm


all of your tools that you're learning and things get really hectic towards the end. Right. You're scrambling to get the nursery done. Um, you're trying to plan time with your significant other, um, well you, it's still just the two of you or however many of you in your family. Yeah.


And to Carolyn's point, um, we've had people do our workshops everywhere from I think, 17 weeks pregnant all the way to like 37 weeks pregnant. Um, so it's, it's really is a wide open door as much as sort of end of second, early third is sort of what we think is sort of. Ideal, um, point at any point we welcome anybody. It's never too early. It's never too late. Right. Even, even that last little shot, if you're feeling like, oh, I'm at 38 weeks. There's no point. Well, there is still cuz there's still more that you can do. Um, even in that really short, um, timeframe.


Awesome. So there's still things that you can learn all the way up to the end of your pregnancy. And some might even argue that you may need them even more in your postpartum period when you're dealing with stressors from family and working on very little sleep and figuring out a whole new routine. All right. So if somebody wants to sign up for this workshop, where do they go? When is it happening? Give us all the details.


Yeah, well, we are holding our first virtual, hopefully the first of many August 18th.

It will be from six to 8:

00 PM and that will be mountain standard time. So if you're east coast all the way to west coast, um, we tried to find a, a time that would kind of be a, a good one for everyone, and it will be held via Google meet so you can register on our website. Um, and you can also find us through Instagram. You can, um, get onto our website that way. And when you register, you'll get an email from us. and you'll get the mental push plan, digital workbook. So you'll get the PDF download right away. So you can dive into that, um, or not. We've had people do both people that have already kind of gotten acquainted with the material or people who have come and have never even opened it. So, um, the workshop will work no matter where you're at on that spectrum. Um, and then you'll get all the details from us. Um, Closer to the date, um, on logging in and, and all of that. I'm hopefully by now, um, people are pretty well versed in, uh, signing into, uh, digital, um, meeting spaces. Thank you. COVID.


Since it is virtual, we will most likely ask you to keep your camera on. We don't care if there's babies dogs in the background, your hair's in a messy bun. It's all good. It's a very casual, uh, but we like to see you so that you can see us and others, uh, and really, uh, cash in on that community aspect of it. And it's gonna be fun. We.


like, you know, we don't do things that are not fun. Okay.


yes. Cheesy jokes and.


And really we like to key in on that, like, um, engagement, exercise, um, type of thing. So you'll have a lot of that. There's, it's not just us talking at you for two hours. It's a lot of you sitting down and, and going through a meditation or experiencing a point of focus, um, exercise. That's one we like to do. Um, so we like to get you moving and groove in with the, the material. So, um, you can really kind. Sit with it and start to gel with it. So that way, when you do dive into your workbook, you've sort of already got a leg up, um, and have some ideas about what you could be putting into your mental push plan.


And that's really personalized and individualized, right? Because not every tool will work for everyone. So you guys help people to figure out what works best is that right?


Absolutely. Uh, depending on your personality, depending on the situation that you're in, um, Some births, there might be a lot of tools used or for someone they might stick to one and that's what they use throughout the entire thing. So, uh, we give you a lot of examples, uh, for how to use these tools and set you off on track to try 'em out on your own. And. See what


feels good for you? Mm-hmm yeah, there is no cookie cutter approach here. It is totally personalized to you. Um, because again, you know yourself best and we're just here to help you really tap into your own mental strength because we all have it. Um, sometimes it just takes a little bit of work to really make sure that we're using it to its full potential. Mm-hmm


Such a good reminder. You guys are making me wanna attend.


Come on down, you are always welcome.


I might just show up.


Do it. You can't Natalie for you,


Aw, thank you. And I wanted to talk a little bit more about some something very exciting that is coming up. We are starting the push corner on the resource doula podcast. So you guys are going to be highlighted in certain podcast episodes with. Mental push plan snippets and tips and mindfulness exercises. We are very, very excited about that. so keep your ear open for that in the future as well.


Yeah, we are so excited about that. It's been so fun to work with you and get to partner together. And we really hope that, um, people getting to have just these little bite size pieces of mindfulness information and mental tool training, um, can really open the door for them to see the possibilities of what mental training can do for.


well, thank you guys so much for being here again. I foresee us having future podcast episodes. We'll just consider this a partnership for life


Yeah. Oh, thanks for hosting us, Natalie.


Of course, of course. So I will put all of the links to your website and your Instagram and your registration links in these show notes. And if you guys are not already subscribed to the mental push plan newsletter, then be sure to do that as well because they come out with all of the exciting things that they're working on regularly in their newsletter. So that's another way to connect with them. All right. Well, we will see you guys very soon.


Welcome to the push corner with Carolyn and Lauren of mental push plan,


bringing you mental tools to empower you through pregnancy birth and. For our very first push corner. We want to talk to you about breathing during labor. It is such an incredible thing we do because it is both conscious and unconscious while we mostly do it. Unconsciously taking conscious breaths that are slow and deep activates our parasympathetic nervous system, which helps us to relax and releases endorphins, which are the body's natural pain relieving hormone.


Let's do a quick exercise to practice conscious breathing. I invite you to close your eyes or soften your gaze depending on where you are. While listening to this, please be safe. Take a deep breath of air in and exhale it all the way out. Now. Slowly start to fill your lungs breathing deep down into your belly. And just as slowly as you inhaled, can you slowly release the ex. Again, breathe in slowly feeling the ribs expand as wide as they can go. And softly exhale, noticing the ribs draw back in. And finally, if you're pregnant, can you send your inhale down towards baby or down toward the middle of your hips? and then slowly let the exhale go.


Isn't Carolyn's voice. So soothing. Yes, but it's also your body's parasympathetic system kicking in. We cannot emphasize enough how impactful your breath is during labor and birth. It can be a real anchor for both calming your mind and body. It's very important that you practice conscious, slow, deep breathing prior to giving birth so that you can more easily do it in the moment because practice, practice, practice. This is something you'll hear us say


a. You can practice for a few minutes. When you wake up before going to bed, while you're washing your hands or sitting at a stoplight, just remember to keep it conscious in a slow and deep pattern that works for you. As always, you already have all the mental strength you need. These


are just the tools to help you tap into it. Check out mental push or find us on Instagram to learn more.


I have had the privilege of going through both the mental push plan workbook, as well as the mental grief plan. And I can say with confidence that they are what has been missing from all of the childbirth education I've attended and taught. I'm really happy to be an affiliate for Carolyn and Lauren, and you can get 10% off anything on their site with the code, Natalie H 10 that's N a T a L. I. The letter H one and then a zero. As always, I've linked all of the resources we mentioned for you in the show notes for this episode, please remember that what you hear in this podcast is not medical advice, but remember to always do your own research and talk to your provider before making important decisions about your healthcare. If you found this podcast helpful, please consider leaving a five star review on your favorite listening platform. It helps other people find the show. Thanks so much for listening. I'll catch you next time.